Handling Models

The typical use-case for Counterfactual Explanations and Algorithmic Recourse is as follows: users have trained some supervised model that is not inherently interpretable and are looking for a way to explain it. In this tutorial, we will see how pre-trained models can be used with this package.

Models trained in Flux.jl

We will train a simple binary classifier in Flux.jl on the popular Moons dataset:

n = 500
data = TaijaData.load_moons(n)
counterfactual_data = DataPreprocessing.CounterfactualData(data...)
X = counterfactual_data.X
y = counterfactual_data.y
plt = plot()

The following code chunk sets up a Deep Neural Network for the task at hand:

data = Flux.DataLoader((X,y),batchsize=1)
input_dim = size(X,1)
n_hidden = 32
activation = relu
output_dim = 2
nn = Chain(
    Dense(input_dim, n_hidden, activation),
    Dense(n_hidden, output_dim)
loss(yhat, y) = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy(nn(yhat), y)

Next, we fit the network to the data:

using Flux.Optimise: update!, Adam
opt = Adam()
epochs = 100
avg_loss(data) = mean(map(d -> loss(d[1],d[2]), data))
show_every = epochs/5
# Training:
for epoch = 1:epochs
  for d in data
    gs = gradient(Flux.params(nn)) do
      l = loss(d...)
    update!(opt, Flux.params(nn), gs)
  if epoch % show_every == 0
    println("Epoch " * string(epoch))
    @show avg_loss(data)
Epoch 20
avg_loss(data) = 0.1407434f0
Epoch 40
avg_loss(data) = 0.11345118f0
Epoch 60
avg_loss(data) = 0.046319224f0
Epoch 80
avg_loss(data) = 0.011847609f0
Epoch 100
avg_loss(data) = 0.007242911f0

To prepare the fitted model for use with our package, we need to wrap it inside a container. For plain-vanilla models trained in Flux.jl, the corresponding constructor is called FluxModel. There is also a separate constructor called FluxEnsemble, which applies to Deep Ensembles. Deep Ensembles are a popular approach to approximate Bayesian Deep Learning and have been shown to generate good predictive uncertainty estimates (Lakshminarayanan, Pritzel, and Blundell 2016).

The appropriate API call to wrap our simple network in a container follows below:

M = FluxModel(nn)
FluxModel(Chain(Dense(2 => 32, relu), Dropout(0.1, active=false), Dense(32 => 2)), :classification_binary)

The likelihood function of the output variable is automatically inferred from the data. The generic plot() method can be called on the model and data to visualise the results:

plot(M, counterfactual_data)

Our model M is now ready for use with the package.


Lakshminarayanan, Balaji, Alexander Pritzel, and Charles Blundell. 2016. “Simple and Scalable Predictive Uncertainty Estimation Using Deep Ensembles.” https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.01474.