๐Ÿ›  Contribute

Contributions of any kind are very much welcome! Take a look at the issue to see what things we are currently working on. If you have an idea for a new feature or want to report a bug, please open a new issue.


If your looking to contribute code, it may be helpful to check out the Explanation section of the docs.


Please always make sure to add tests for any new features or changes.


If you add new features or change existing ones, please make sure to update the documentation accordingly. The documentation is written in Documenter.jl and is located in the docs/src folder.

Log Changes

As of version 1.1.1, we have tried to be more stringent about logging changes. Please make sure to add a note to the CHANGELOG.md file for any changes you make. It is sufficient to add a note under the Unreleased section.

General Pointers

There are also some general pointers for people looking to contribute to any of our Taija packages here.

Please follow the SciML ColPrac guide.