
In this reference you will find a detailed overview of the package API.

Reference guides are technical descriptions of the machinery and how to operate it. Reference material is information-oriented.

β€” DiΓ‘taxis

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    Public Interface

    ConformalPrediction.conformal_model β€” Method
    conformal_model(model::Supervised; method::Union{Nothing, Symbol}=nothing, kwargs...)

    A simple wrapper function that turns a model::Supervised into a conformal model. It accepts an optional key argument that can be used to specify the desired method for conformal prediction as well as additinal kwargs... specific to the method.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the AdaptiveInductiveClassifier nonconformity scores are computed by cumulatively summing the ranked scores of each label in descending order until reaching the true label $Y_i$:

    $S_i^{\text{CAL}} = s(X_i,Y_i) = \sum_{j=1}^k \hat\mu(X_i)_{\pi_j} \ \text{where } \ Y_i=\pi_k, i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the CVMinMaxRegressor nonconformity scores are computed in the same way as for the CVPlusRegressor. Specifically, we have,

    $S_i^{\text{CV}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_i), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_i)$ denotes the CV prediction for $X_i$. In other words, for each CV fold $k=1,...,K$ and each training instance $i=1,...,n$ the model is trained on all training data excluding the fold containing $i$. The fitted model is then used to predict out-of-sample from $X_i$. The corresponding nonconformity score is then computed by applying a heuristic uncertainty measure $h(\cdot)$ to the fitted value $\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_i)$ and the true value $Y_i$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the CVPlusRegressor nonconformity scores are computed though cross-validation (CV) as follows,

    $S_i^{\text{CV}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_i), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_i)$ denotes the CV prediction for $X_i$. In other words, for each CV fold $k=1,...,K$ and each training instance $i=1,...,n$ the model is trained on all training data excluding the fold containing $i$. The fitted model is then used to predict out-of-sample from $X_i$. The corresponding nonconformity score is then computed by applying a heuristic uncertainty measure $h(\cdot)$ to the fitted value $\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_i)$ and the true value $Y_i$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the ConformalQuantileRegressor nonconformity scores are computed as follows:

    $S_i^{\text{CAL}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu_{\alpha_{lo}}(X_i), \hat\mu_{\alpha_{hi}}(X_i) ,Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$

    A typical choice for the heuristic function is $h(\hat\mu_{\alpha_{lo}}(X_i), \hat\mu_{\alpha_{hi}}(X_i) ,Y_i)= max\{\hat\mu_{\alpha_{low}}(X_i)-Y_i, Y_i-\hat\mu_{\alpha_{hi}}(X_i)\}$ where $\hat\mu$ denotes the model fitted on training data $\mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}` and$\alpha{lo}, \alpha{hi}`` lower and higher percentile.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the JackknifeMinMaxRegressor nonconformity scores are computed in the same way as for the JackknifeRegressor. Specifically, we have,

    $S_i^{\text{LOO}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu_{-i}(X_i), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-i}(X_i)$ denotes the leave-one-out prediction for $X_i$. In other words, for each training instance $i=1,...,n$ the model is trained on all training data excluding $i$. The fitted model is then used to predict out-of-sample from $X_i$. The corresponding nonconformity score is then computed by applying a heuristic uncertainty measure $h(\cdot)$ to the fitted value $\hat\mu_{-i}(X_i)$ and the true value $Y_i$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the JackknifePlusAbMinMaxRegressor nonconformity scores are as,

    $S_i^{\text{J+MinMax}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(agg(\hat\mu_{B_{K(-i)}}(X_i)), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $agg(\hat\mu_{B_{K(-i)}}(X_i))$ denotes the aggregate predictions, typically mean or median, for each $X_i$ (with $K_{-i}$ the bootstraps not containing $X_i$). In other words, B models are trained on boostrapped sampling, the fitted models are then used to create aggregated prediction of out-of-sample $X_i$. The corresponding nonconformity score is then computed by applying a heuristic uncertainty measure $h(\cdot)$ to the fitted value $agg(\hat\mu_{B_{K(-i)}}(X_i))$ and the true value $Y_i$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the JackknifePlusAbRegressor nonconformity scores are computed as

    $$ S_i^{\text{J+ab}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(agg(\hat\mu_{B_{K(-i)}}(X_i)), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}} $$

    where $agg(\hat\mu_{B_{K(-i)}}(X_i))$ denotes the aggregate predictions, typically mean or median, for each $X_i$ (with $K_{-i}$ the bootstraps not containing $X_i$). In other words, B models are trained on boostrapped sampling, the fitted models are then used to create aggregated prediction of out-of-sample $X_i$. The corresponding nonconformity score is then computed by applying a heuristic uncertainty measure $h(\cdot)$ to the fitted value $agg(\hat\mu_{B_{K(-i)}}(X_i))$ and the true value $Y_i$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the JackknifePlusRegressor nonconformity scores are computed in the same way as for the JackknifeRegressor. Specifically, we have,

    $S_i^{\text{LOO}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu_{-i}(X_i), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-i}(X_i)$ denotes the leave-one-out prediction for $X_i$. In other words, for each training instance $i=1,...,n$ the model is trained on all training data excluding $i$. The fitted model is then used to predict out-of-sample from $X_i$. The corresponding nonconformity score is then computed by applying a heuristic uncertainty measure $h(\cdot)$ to the fitted value $\hat\mu_{-i}(X_i)$ and the true value $Y_i$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the JackknifeRegressor nonconformity scores are computed through a leave-one-out (LOO) procedure as follows,

    $S_i^{\text{LOO}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu_{-i}(X_i), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-i}(X_i)$ denotes the leave-one-out prediction for $X_i$. In other words, for each training instance $i=1,...,n$ the model is trained on all training data excluding $i$. The fitted model is then used to predict out-of-sample from $X_i$. The corresponding nonconformity score is then computed by applying a heuristic uncertainty measure $h(\cdot)$ to the fitted value $\hat\mu_{-i}(X_i)$ and the true value $Y_i$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the NaiveClassifier nonconformity scores are computed in-sample as follows:

    $S_i^{\text{IS}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu(X_i), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$

    A typical choice for the heuristic function is $h(\hat\mu(X_i), Y_i)=1-\hat\mu(X_i)_{Y_i}$ where $\hat\mu(X_i)_{Y_i}$ denotes the softmax output of the true class and $\hat\mu$ denotes the model fitted on training data $\mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the NaiveRegressor nonconformity scores are computed in-sample as follows:

    $S_i^{\text{IS}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu(X_i), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    A typical choice for the heuristic function is $h(\hat\mu(X_i),Y_i)=|Y_i-\hat\mu(X_i)|$ where $\hat\mu$ denotes the model fitted on training data $\mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the SimpleInductiveClassifier nonconformity scores are computed as follows:

    $S_i^{\text{CAL}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu(X_i), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$

    A typical choice for the heuristic function is $h(\hat\mu(X_i), Y_i)=1-\hat\mu(X_i)_{Y_i}$ where $\hat\mu(X_i)_{Y_i}$ denotes the softmax output of the true class and $\hat\mu$ denotes the model fitted on training data $\mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$. The simple approach only takes the softmax probability of the true label into account.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the SimpleInductiveRegressor nonconformity scores are computed as follows:

    $S_i^{\text{CAL}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(\hat\mu(X_i), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$

    A typical choice for the heuristic function is $h(\hat\mu(X_i),Y_i)=|Y_i-\hat\mu(X_i)|$ where $\hat\mu$ denotes the model fitted on training data $\mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$.

    source β€” Method, verbosity, X, y)

    For the TimeSeriesRegressorEnsembleBatch nonconformity scores are computed as

    $$ S_i^{\text{J+ab}} = s(X_i, Y_i) = h(agg(\hat\mu_{B_{K(-i)}}(X_i)), Y_i), \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}} $$

    where $agg(\hat\mu_{B_{K(-i)}}(X_i))$ denotes the aggregate predictions, typically mean or median, for each $X_i$ (with $K_{-i}$ the bootstraps not containing $X_i$). In other words, B models are trained on boostrapped sampling, the fitted models are then used to create aggregated prediction of out-of-sample $X_i$. The corresponding nonconformity score is then computed by applying a heuristic uncertainty measure $h(\cdot)$ to the fitted value $agg(\hat\mu_{B_{K(-i)}}(X_i))$ and the true value $Y_i$.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::AdaptiveInductiveClassifier, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the AdaptiveInductiveClassifier prediction sets are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \left\{y: s(X_{n+1},y) \le \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{CAL}}\} \right\}, i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$

    where $\mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$ denotes the designated calibration data.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::CVMinMaxRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the CVMinMaxRegressor prediction intervals are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \left[ \min_{i=1,...,n} \hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_{n+1}) - \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{CV}} \}, \max_{i=1,...,n} \hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_{n+1}) + \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{ S_i^{\text{CV}}\} \right] , i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}$ denotes the model fitted on training data with subset $\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}$ that contains the $i$ th point removed.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::CVPlusRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the CVPlusRegressor prediction intervals are computed in much same way as for the JackknifePlusRegressor. Specifically, we have,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \left[ \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{-} \{\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_{n+1}) - S_i^{\text{CV}} \}, \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}(X_{n+1}) + S_i^{\text{CV}}\} \right] , \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}}$ denotes the model fitted on training data with fold $\mathcal{D}_{k(i)}$ that contains the $i$ th point removed.

    The JackknifePlusRegressor is a special case of the CVPlusRegressor for which $K=n$.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::ConformalQuantileRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the ConformalQuantileRegressor prediction intervals are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = [\hat\mu_{\alpha_{lo}}(X_{n+1}) - \hat{q}_{n, \alpha} \{S_i^{\text{CAL}} \}, \hat\mu_{\alpha_{hi}}(X_{n+1}) + \hat{q}_{n, \alpha} \{S_i^{\text{CAL}} \}], \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$

    where $\mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$ denotes the designated calibration data.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::JackknifeMinMaxRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the JackknifeMinMaxRegressor prediction intervals are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \left[ \min_{i=1,...,n} \hat\mu_{-i}(X_{n+1}) - \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{LOO}} \}, \max_{i=1,...,n} \hat\mu_{-i}(X_{n+1}) + \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{LOO}}\} \right] , i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-i}$ denotes the model fitted on training data with $i$th point removed. The jackknife-minmax procedure is more conservative than the JackknifePlusRegressor.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::JackknifePlusAbMinMaxRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the JackknifePlusAbMinMaxRegressor prediction intervals are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}^{J+MinMax}(X_{n+1}) = \left[ \min_{i=1,...,n} \hat\mu_{-i}(X_{n+1}) - \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{J+MinMax}} \}, \max_{i=1,...,n} \hat\mu_{-i}(X_{n+1}) + \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{J+MinMax}}\} \right] , i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-i}$ denotes the model fitted on training data with $i$th point removed. The jackknife+ab-minmax procedure is more conservative than the JackknifePlusAbRegressor.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::JackknifePlusAbRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the JackknifePlusAbRegressor prediction intervals are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha, B}^{J+ab}(X_{n+1}) = \left[ \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{-} \{\hat\mu_{agg(-i)}(X_{n+1}) - S_i^{\text{J+ab}} \}, \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{\hat\mu_{agg(-i)}(X_{n+1}) + S_i^{\text{J+ab}}\} \right] , i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{agg(-i)}$ denotes the aggregated models $\hat\mu_{1}, ...., \hat\mu_{B}$ fitted on bootstrapped data (B) does not include the $i$th data point. The jackknife$+$ procedure is more stable than the JackknifeRegressor.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::JackknifePlusRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the JackknifePlusRegressor prediction intervals are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \left[ \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{-} \{\hat\mu_{-i}(X_{n+1}) - S_i^{\text{LOO}} \}, \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{\hat\mu_{-i}(X_{n+1}) + S_i^{\text{LOO}}\} \right] , i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{-i}$ denotes the model fitted on training data with $i$th point removed. The jackknife$+$ procedure is more stable than the JackknifeRegressor.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::JackknifeRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the JackknifeRegressor prediction intervals are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \hat\mu(X_{n+1}) \pm \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{LOO}}\}, \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $S_i^{\text{LOO}}$ denotes the nonconformity that is generated as explained in fit(conf_model::JackknifeRegressor, verbosity, X, y). The jackknife procedure addresses the overfitting issue associated with the NaiveRegressor.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::NaiveClassifier, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the NaiveClassifier prediction sets are computed as follows:

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \left\{y: s(X_{n+1},y) \le \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{IS}} \} \right\}, \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    The naive approach typically produces prediction regions that undercover due to overfitting.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::NaiveRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the NaiveRegressor prediction intervals are computed as follows:

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \hat\mu(X_{n+1}) \pm \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{IS}} \}, \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    The naive approach typically produces prediction regions that undercover due to overfitting.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::SimpleInductiveClassifier, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the SimpleInductiveClassifier prediction sets are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \left\{y: s(X_{n+1},y) \le \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{CAL}}\} \right\}, \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$

    where $\mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$ denotes the designated calibration data.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::SimpleInductiveRegressor, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the SimpleInductiveRegressor prediction intervals are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha}(X_{n+1}) = \hat\mu(X_{n+1}) \pm \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{S_i^{\text{CAL}} \}, \ i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$

    where $\mathcal{D}_{\text{calibration}}$ denotes the designated calibration data.

    MLJModelInterface.predict β€” Method
    MMI.predict(conf_model::TimeSeriesRegressorEnsembleBatch, fitresult, Xnew)

    For the TimeSeriesRegressorEnsembleBatch prediction intervals are computed as follows,

    $\hat{C}_{n,\alpha, B}^{J+ab}(X_{n+1}) = \left[ \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{-} \{\hat\mu_{agg(-i)}(X_{n+1}) - S_i^{\text{J+ab}} \}, \hat{q}_{n, \alpha}^{+} \{\hat\mu_{agg(-i)}(X_{n+1}) + S_i^{\text{J+ab}}\} \right] , i \in \mathcal{D}_{\text{train}}$

    where $\hat\mu_{agg(-i)}$ denotes the aggregated models $\hat\mu_{1}, ...., \hat\mu_{B}$ fitted on bootstrapped data (B) does not include the $i$th data point. The jackknife$+$ procedure is more stable than the JackknifeRegressor.

    ConformalPrediction.ConformalTraining.soft_assignment β€” Method
    soft_assignment(conf_model::ConformalProbabilisticSet, fitresult, X; temp::Real=0.1)

    This function can be used to compute soft assigment probabilities for new data X as in soft_assignment(conf_model::ConformalProbabilisticSet; temp::Real=0.1). When a fitted model $\mu$ (fitresult) and new samples X are supplied, non-conformity scores are first computed for the new data points. Then the existing threshold/quantile qΜ‚ is used to compute the final soft assignments.

    ConformalPrediction.ConformalTraining.soft_assignment β€” Method
    soft_assignment(conf_model::ConformalProbabilisticSet; temp::Real=0.1)

    Computes soft assignment scores for each label and sample. That is, the probability of label k being included in the confidence set. This implementation follows Stutz et al. (2022): Contrary to the paper, we use non-conformity scores instead of conformity scores, hence the sign swap.


    Internal functions

    ConformalPrediction.is_covered β€” Method
    is_covered(yΜ‚, y)

    Helper function to check if y is contained in conformal region. Based on whether conformal predictions yΜ‚ are set- or interval-valued, different checks are executed.

    ConformalPrediction.qminus β€” Function
    qminus(v::AbstractArray, coverage::AbstractFloat=0.9)

    Implements the $\hat{q}_{n,\alpha}^{-}$ finite-sample corrected quantile function as defined in Barber et al. (2020):

    ConformalPrediction.qplus β€” Function
    qplus(v::AbstractArray, coverage::AbstractFloat=0.9)

    Implements the $\hat{q}_{n,\alpha}^{+}$ finite-sample corrected quantile function as defined in Barber et al. (2020):

    ConformalPrediction.reformat_mlj_prediction β€” Method

    A helper function that extracts only the output (predicted values) for whatever is returned from MMI.predict(model, fitresult, Xnew). This is currently used to avoid issues when calling MMI.predict(model, fitresult, Xnew) in pipelines.

    ConformalPrediction.score β€” Function
    score(conf_model::ConformalProbabilisticSet, fitresult, X, y=nothing)

    Generic score method for the ConformalProbabilisticSet. It computes nonconformity scores using the heuristic function h and the softmax probabilities of the true class. Method is dispatched for different Conformal Probabilistic Sets and atomic models.

    ConformalPrediction.split_data β€” Method
    split_data(conf_model::ConformalProbabilisticSet, indices::Base.OneTo{Int})

    Splits the data into a proper training and calibration set.

    ConformalPrediction.ConformalTraining.classification_loss β€” Method
        conf_model::ConformalProbabilisticSet, fitresult, X, y;

    Computes the calibration loss following Stutz et al. (2022): Following the notation in the paper, the loss is computed as,

    \[\mathcal{L}(C_{\theta}(x;\tau),y) = \sum_k L_{y,k} \left[ (1 - C_{\theta,k}(x;\tau)) \mathbf{I}_{y=k} + C_{\theta,k}(x;\tau) \mathbf{I}_{y\ne k} \right]\]

    where $\tau$ is just the quantile qΜ‚ and $\kappa$ is the target set size (defaults to $1$).

    ConformalPrediction.ConformalTraining.qminus_smooth β€” Function
    qminus_smooth(v::AbstractArray, coverage::AbstractFloat=0.9)

    Implements the $\hat{q}_{n,\alpha}^{-}$ finite-sample corrected quantile function as defined in Barber et al. (2020): To allow for differentiability, we use the soft sort function from InferOpt.jl.

    ConformalPrediction.ConformalTraining.qplus_smooth β€” Function
    qplus_smooth(v::AbstractArray, coverage::AbstractFloat=0.9)

    Implements the $\hat{q}_{n,\alpha}^{+}$ finite-sample corrected quantile function as defined in Barber et al. (2020): To allow for differentiability, we use the soft sort function from InferOpt.jl.

    ConformalPrediction.ConformalTraining.score β€” Function
    ConformalPrediction.score(conf_model::AdaptiveInductiveClassifier, ::Type{<:MLJFluxModel}, fitresult, X, y::Union{Nothing,AbstractArray}=nothing)

    Overloads the score function for the MLJFluxModel type.

    ConformalPrediction.ConformalTraining.score β€” Function
    ConformalPrediction.score(conf_model::AdaptiveInductiveClassifier, ::Type{<:EitherEnsembleModel{<:MLJFluxModel}}, fitresult, X, y::Union{Nothing,AbstractArray}=nothing)

    Overloads the score function for ensembles of MLJFluxModel types.

    ConformalPrediction.ConformalTraining.smooth_size_loss β€” Method
    function smooth_size_loss(
        conf_model::ConformalProbabilisticSet, fitresult, X;
        temp::Real=0.1, ΞΊ::Real=1.0

    Computes the smooth (differentiable) size loss following Stutz et al. (2022): First, soft assignment probabilities are computed for new data X. Then (following the notation in the paper) the loss is computed as,

    \[\Omega(C_{\theta}(x;\tau)) = \max (0, \sum_k C_{\theta,k}(x;\tau) - \kappa)\]

    where $\tau$ is just the quantile qΜ‚ and $\kappa$ is the target set size (defaults to $1$). For empty sets, the loss is computed as $K - \kappa$, that is the maximum set size minus the target set size.

    ConformalPrediction.score β€” Function
    ConformalPrediction.score(conf_model::InductiveModel, model::MLJFluxModel, fitresult, X, y::Union{Nothing,AbstractArray}=nothing)

    Overloads the score function for the MLJFluxModel type.

    ConformalPrediction.score β€” Function
    ConformalPrediction.score(conf_model::SimpleInductiveClassifier, ::Type{<:EitherEnsembleModel{<:MLJFluxModel}}, fitresult, X, y::Union{Nothing,AbstractArray}=nothing)

    Overloads the score function for ensembles of MLJFluxModel types.

    MLJFlux.shape β€” Method
    shape(model::NeuralNetworkRegressor, X, y)

    A private method that returns the shape of the input and output of the model for given data X and y.

    MLJFlux.train! β€” Method
    MLJFlux.train!(model::ConformalNN, penalty, chain, optimiser, X, y)

    Implements the conformal traning procedure for the ConformalNN type.
